Friday, November 30, 2012

The View in SF

No, I'm not talking about the TV show. San Francisco has no shortage of places with stunning views of the city. It helps that the city is so picturesque, that plenty of windows out of homes or commercial establishments would have a sight for sore eyes. But I'm talking high-rise views coupled with pleasing munchies. Among others, there's the Top of the Mark in Nob Hill, and then there 'was' the Grandviews Hyatt lounge in Union Square. I say 'was' for the latter, because I was told by the doorman about a month ago that it would close soon. Too bad. I wasn't crazy about the bland menu, which hadn't been updated in a while, but the 36th floor views made up for it. It may still be open, so it's worth checking out.

Enter the Marriott Marquis in downtown SF. We only found this place because of a management course my husband attended for his work. We visited on a Saturday night during the World Series (go Giants!), AND there was some sort of a conference on sexuality ( I kid you not), so the place was hopping!! Not sure if it would be buzzing on a regular night, but given its location, probably.

Anyway, this place is called 'The View', and it's on the 39th floor. The views are even better than the Grandviews lounge in my opinion, owing to the larger floor to ceiling windows. Seating is spacious and the decor more contemporary compared to the Grandviews Lounge. Worth bringing out of town guests to. Check out the menu and prices at the website

BARTing or Caltraining it are the best options if your a suburbanite and want to (as we Brits say) get hammered at the View, but otherwise, try the parking lot at Ellis and O'Farrell. They are pretty inexpensive.

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