Monday, August 20, 2007

Fascinating New York

If I had to pick between living in a mansion with a pool, a maid and a Maserati, and a two bed condo in the upper East Side of New York City, I would choose the condo. Forget a two-bed condo, or even the posh hoods, a studio in Brooklyn would do me just fine. Any real estate in New York City would keep me smiling for the rest of my life. That's how much I love the Big Apple. Well, maybe the Maserati....

We arrived in Manhattan on the 14th June - myself, my husband and my brother. It was a frenetic Thursday afternoon near our hotel in the financial district; bankers on their lunch break opting for a smoke instead, secretaries in Manolo Blahnik rip offs venting about their co-workers, the incessant sound of construction around Ground Zero, and the welcoming whiff of hot dogs from the street vendor trolleys - I loved it all.

We got on a 48 hour hop on-hop off bus even before we checked in. If you're new to the city, this is really the best way to get your bearings. For $49, you get the downtown, uptown, Brooklyn, and even the Night Lights loop for two days. We did the downtown loop amidst rush hour, ubiquitous yellow cabs and yelling people, japanese tourists getting photographed with the Naked Cowboy in Times Square, and an overwhelming police presence in pretty much every block we turn. After about two hours, we decided it was time to check in.

More soon....

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