I found this photo on a blog called ZeroDivide, and this summed up Top Dog for me.
I first went to Top Dog as a summer school student at Berkeley in 2003. A cheep and cheerful place with dogs to satisfy both poverty-stricken students and those with a bit more cash to spare. My second visit was in Oct 2008, and coincidentally, on a football game day at Berkeley (Cal v UCLA!). Berkeley was buzzing, and although the Bears won, Top Dog was bursting at the seams with fans from both sides.
There is no line here. There are two guys behind the grill, one minding all the meat, and one taking all the orders and miraculously remembering them in order. There are even veggie and healthier meat options. It's fast, economical, and delicious. What more do you need?
Top Dog also have a branch in Oakland, CA. Check out their website below. Have you been to Top Dog? What's your experience been like?